Please email me to request a copy of any of these articles.

Blozis, S. A., & Botan, H. (2025). Two-part mixed-effects location scale models for daily health data. Nursing Research.

Blozis, S. A. (2024). First-interview response patterns of intensive longitudinal psychological and health data.  Journal of Health Psychology. 

Harrison, T. C., Blozis, S. A., Taylor, J., Mukherjee, N., Ortega, L. C., Blanco, N., Garcia, A. A., & Brown, S. A. (2024). Mixed-methods study of disability self-management in Mexican Americans with osteoarthritis. Nursing Research, 73(3), 203-215.

Harrison, T. C., Taylor, J., Johnson, A., Caudillo Ortega, L., Lowe, J., & Blozis, S. A. (2023). The life course perspectives of Mexican American men with mobility limitation. Qualitative Health Research, 33(10), 897-910. DOI: 10.1177/10497323231170157

Harrison, T. C., Blozis, S. A., Becker, H. A., & Stuifbergen, A. M. (2023). The impact of gender, aging and multiple sclerosis diagnosis on function: A longitudinal study. Nursing Research72(4), 281-291. DOI: 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000656

Harrison, T. C., Blozis, S. A., Schmidt, B., Johnson, A., Moreno, R., Mead, S., & Gayle, M. (2021). Music compared with auditory books: A randomized controlled study among long-term care residents with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 22(7), 1415-1420.

Freedland, K. E., Dew, M. A., Sarwer, D. B., Burg, M. M., Hart, T. A., Ewing, S. W. F., . . . Kaufmann, P. G. (2020). Health psychology in the time of COVID-19. Health Psychology, 39(12), 1021-1025.

Heads, A. M., Glover, A. M., Castillo, L. G., Blozis, S. A., Kim, S. Y., & Ali, S. (2020). Perceived discrimination and risk behaviors in African American students: The potential moderating roles of emotion regulation and ethnic socialization. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.

Harrison, T., Blozis, S. A., Manning, A., Dionne-Vahalik, M., Mead, S. (2019). Quality of care to nursing home residents with incontinence. Geriatric Nursing, 40(2): 166-173. doi: 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2018.09.009

Yount, S. E., Cella, D., & Blozis, S. (2019). PROMIS®: Standardizing the patient voice in health psychology research and practice. Health Psychology, 38(5), 343-346. DOI:10.

Heads, A.M., Glover, A.M., Castillo, L.G., Blozis, S., Kim, S.Y. (2018) Dimensions of ethnic identity as protective factors for substance use and sexual risk behaviors in African American college students. Journal of American College Health, 66(3), 178-186,

Thurman, W., Harrison, T. C., Blozis, S. A., Dionne-Vahalik, M., & Mead, S. (2017). Capabilities approach to environmental impact on nursing home resident quality of life. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 10(4), 162-170. doi: 10.3928/19404921-20170621-03

Juang, L., Moffitt, U., Kim, S. Y., Lee, R. M., Soto, J. A., Hurley, E., Weisskirch, R. S., Blozis, S. A., Castillo, L, Huynh, Q.-L., & Whitborne, S. K. (2016). Cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression: Links to racial-ethnic discrimination and adjustment among Latino/a and Asian-heritage college students in the United States. Journal of Adolescence, 53, 21-33.

Eberhardt, M., Deshpande, A., Fike, J., Short, R., Schmidt, K., Blozis, S. A., Walter, M., & Barry, P. (2016). Exploitation of IL-10 signaling pathways: The alternate roles of viral and cellular IL-10 in rhesus cytomegalovirus infection. Journal of Virology, 90(21), 9920-9930.

Stuifbergen, A., Blozis, S. A., Becker, H., Harrison, T. & Kullberg, V. (2016). Selected health behaviors moderate the progression of functional limitations in persons with multiple sclerosis: Eleven years of annual follow-up. Disability and Health Journal, 9(3), 472-478. doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2016.01.006

Yap, S. C. Y., Donnellan, M. B., Schwartz, S. J., Zamboanga, B. L., Kim, S. Y., Huynh, Q.-L., Vazsonyi, A. T., Cano, M. A., Hurley, E. A., Whitbourne, S. K., Castillo, L. G., Donovan, R. A., Blozis, S. A., Brown, E. J. (2015). Evaluating the invariance of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure across foreign-born, second-generation and later-generation college students in the United States. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.

Greenwood, D. A.*, Blozis, S. A., Young, H. M., Nesbitt, T. S., & Quinn, C. C. (2015). Overcoming clinical inertia: A randomized clinical trial of a telehealth remote monitoring intervention using paired glucose testing in adults with Type 2 diabetes. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(7), e178.

Vandeleest, J. J.*, Blozis, S. A., Mendoza, S. P., & Capitanio, J. P. (2013). The effects of birth timing and ambient temperature on the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis in 3–4 month old rhesus monkeys. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38(11), 2705-2712.

Kim, J. E.*, Zane, N. W., & Blozis, S. A. (2012). Client predictors of short-term psychotherapy outcomes among Asian and white American outpatients. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68 (12), 1287-1302.

Stuifbergen, A., Becker, H., Blozis, S. A., & Park, I.* (2010) A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Wellness Intervention for Women with Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Clinical Rehabilitation24, 305-318.

Wang, Y., Blozis, S. A., Ledermann, M., Krieg, A., Landay, A., & Miller, C. J. (2009). The enhanced antibody responses elicited by a CpG adjuvant does not improve the protective effect of an AT-2 inactivated SIV therapeutic AIDS vaccine. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology.

Dubie, R. A., Maksaereekul, S., Shacklett, B. L., Lemongello, D., Cole, K. S., Villinger, F., Blozis, S. A., Luciw, P. A., & Sparger, E. E. Co-immunization with IL-15 enhances cellular immune responses induced by a vif-deleted simian immunodeficiency virus proviral DNA vaccine and confers partial protection against vaginal challenge with SIVmac251. Virology, 386(1), 109-121.

Capitanio, J. P, Abel, K., Mendoza, S. P., Blozis, S. A., McChesney, M. B., Cole, S. W., & Mason, W. A. (2008). Personality and serotonin transporter genotype interact with social context to affect immunity and viral set-point in simian immunodeficiency virus disease. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity22, 676-689. (Epub 2007 Aug 23).

Harrison, T., Blozis, S.A., & Stuifbergen, A. (2008). Longitudinal predictors of attitudes toward aging among women with multiple sclerosis. Psychology and Aging23, 823-832.

Stuifbergen, A., Becker, H., Blozis, S.A., Beal, C., & Park, I.* (2008). Conceptualization and development of the Acceptance of Chronic Health Conditions Scale. Issues in Mental Health Nursing29, 101-114.

Genescà, M., Li, J., Fritts, L., Chohan, P., Abel, K., Bost, K., Rourke, T., Blozis, S.A., McChesney, M.B., & Miller, C.J. (2007). Depo-Provera abrogates attenuated lentivirus-induced protection in male rhesus macaques challenged intravenously with pathogenic SIVmac239. Journal of Medical Primatology36, 266–275.

Hyde, D.M., Blozis, S.A., Avdalovic, M., Putney, L.F., DeTorre, R., Quesenberry, N., Singh, P., & Tyler, N.K. (2007). Alveoli increase in number but not mean volume from birth to adulthood in rhesus monkeys. American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology293, L570-L579.

Brown, S.A., Blozis, S.A., Kouzekanani, K., Garcia, A.A., Winchell, M., & Hanis, K.L. (2007). Health Beliefs of Mexican Americans with Type 2 Diabetes: The Starr County Border Health Initiative. The Diabetes Educator, 33, 300-308.

Blozis, S.A., Feldman, B.*, & Conger, R. (2007). Adolescent alcohol use and adult alcohol disorders: A two-part random-effects model with diagnostic outcomes. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 88S, S85-S96.

Williams, S. T.*, Conger, K.J., & Blozis, S.A. (2007). Interpersonal aggression: Developmental pathways and contributions from multiple family environments. Child Development, 78, 1526-1542.

Stuifbergen, A.K., Blozis, S.A., Harrison, T.C.*, & Becker, H.A. (2006). Exercise, functional limitations and quality of life: A longitudinal study of persons with multiple sclerosis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87, 935-943.

Brown, S.A., Blozis, S.A., Kouzekanani, K., Garcia, A.A., Winchell, M., & Hanis, C.L. (2005). Dosage effects of diabetes self-management education for Mexican Americans: The Starr County border health initiative. Diabetes Care, 28, 527-532.

Stuifbergen, A.K., Becker, H., Blozis, S.A. Timmerman, G., & Kullberg, V. (2003). A randomized clinical trial of a wellness intervention for women with multiple sclerosis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 84, 467-476.

Segal, N.L., Sussman, L.J., Marelich, W.D., Mearns, J., & Blozis, S.A. (2002). Monozygotic and dizygotic twins’ retrospective and current bereavement-related behaviors: An evolutionary perspective. Twin Research, 5, 188-195.

Segal, N.L., & Blozis, S.A. (2002). Psychobiological and evolutionary perspectives on coping and health characteristics following loss: A twin study. Twin Research, 5, 175-187.

Guthmann, D., & Blozis, S.A. (2001). Unique issues faced by deaf individuals entering substance abuse treatment and following discharge. American Annals of Deafness, 146, 294-304.

Gottlieb, N.H., Guo, J.L., Blozis, S.A., & Huang, P.P. (2001). Individual and contextual factors related to family practice residents’ assessment and counseling for tobacco cessation. The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, 14, 343-351.

Gottlieb, N., Huang, Blozis, S.A., Guo, J.L., & Murphy-Smith, M. (2001). The impact of Put Prevention into Practice on selected clinical preventive services in five Texas sites. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 21, 35-40.

Dodgson, J., Garwick, A., Blozis, S.A., Patterson, J., Bennett, F., & Blum, R. (2000).Uncertainty in childhood chronic conditions and family distress in families of young children. Journal of Family Nursing, 6, 252-266. Journal of Family Nursing, 6, 252-266.

Scal, P., Evans, T., Blozis, S.A., Okinow, N., & Blum, R. (1999). Trends in transition from pediatric to adult health care services for young adults with chronic conditions. Journal of Adolescent Health, 24, 259-264.